Exaltation of the Precious and Life Giving Cross

Tasmania's English speaking Orthodox Parish

ROCOR parish of Hobart, Tasmania

The parish was formed in 1949 by Russian and Serbian emigrant workers following the WWII.  The funds for the building of the church were raised over many years through Balls and donations.
Fr Theodore Boriskevich was rector for 25 years before passing away in 1972.
For most of the last 40 years the parish has operated without a resident priest. Despite this fact and a global pandemic, the parish has grown in recent years, a miraculous event, to the Glory of God. The parish now consists of people from the traditional Orthodox lands of Russia and Ukraine, Serbia, Greece and Ethiopians but a large percentage of parishioners are converts with various backgrounds.

Past Events

Episcopal Visit of His Grace Bishop Siluan of the Serbian Diocese26 Feb 20233 Augusta Road, New Town TAS, Australia
Episcopal Blessing of Fr George Morozoff’s chapel in Lonnovale05 Feb 2023456 Denison Road, Lonnavale TAS, Australia
House Blessing20 Jan 2023To Be Announced

Fr John Simons (left) and wife Katherine (right)

Rector and Chanter

Fr John was ordained in 2023. He and his wife Katherine converted to Orthodoxy in England 25 years ago. He has been a member of Greek, Antiochian and Russian parishes in England and Australia. He moved to Tasmania 7 years ago. He has a background in University management. His Wife Katherine leads the chanting for services.

Anatoli Stirkul (left)

Altar Server

Originally from Melbourne, Anatoli has been serving the Lord in the Altar since 1976! He moved here with his wife almost 20 years ago.

Mara and Milutin Ivkovic

They keep the church running.

Mara and Milutin came to Tasmania as refugees from Serbia 30 years ago. They do so many things around the church, from maintaining oil lamps and fixing broken things and organising parish luncheons to reading the prescribed bible verses in Serbian and also being Godparents to many of the parish’s Serbian children.

After years of neglect the church is in desperate need of repairs. Please help us maintain the building and the future of the parish.
Funds can be donated to our bank account: 

Hobart Parish of the Russian Church Abroad BSB 067000 ACN 10070552. 

This can also happen at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank.

As a small parish there are many things that need doing. If you can help with any of the following please send us a message.  God Bless.

  1. singing
  2. gardening
  3. cleaning and polishing
  4. flower arranging and changing vestments
  5. painting
  6. helping with morning tea
  7. running the kiosk/bookstore 
  8. monetary donations 
  • 3 Augusta Road, New Town Tasmania, Australia