After growing up nominally Christian I came to realise that there must be more to life. I discovered the Orthodox Church and after attending a service knew I had to join. Our lives have so much meaning being able to participate with the community of faithful who have held the same beliefs and practices for 2000 years. The Russian Orthodox Church has been so welcoming to us.
Jackson And Helena
As a high church Anglican, searching for continuation of the true church, I attended an Orthodox evening service almost 30 years ago. Despite the singing being atrocious, I felt like I had come home, there was no going back, God had called me, I had no choice but to accept. Orthodox Christianity is so much more than a religion, it is a way of life. It is the continuation of what the apostles continued after Christ ascended to heaven; as such there are so many similarities to Judaism, it is cyclical and offers true worship to God, not just a Sunday feel good concert.